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Noelia’s Day

I feel it’s important that some memories be captured by a nice camera and backed up on multiple hard drives and I was proud to be there for two of my favorite humans and one of my favorite dogs to capture these moments.


Faith Rewarded

LFC’s quest for a sixth European Cup was a rich reward for the years of faith shown by their world famous supporters who sing, “after the storm there’s a golden sky.”


Passion Beyond Reason

A short film to commemorate LFC’s magnificent run to the final of the UEFA Champions League in 2018. A run that turned Liverpool supporters from doubters to believers.


Passmore Ranch

Meet Michael Passmore, "chief cook and bottle washer" at Passmore Ranch. Passmore runs a sustainable aquaculture operation in Northern California, and is a longtime Fish to Fork supplier to the food service pioneer Bon Appétit Management Company ( In early 2015 I interviewed him and Chef David Anderson about the fascinating connection between farm to fork.


Stardust Hawaiian

Travel documentary from a dreamy trip to Oahu in 2013 with my lady love.


Service Recognized

My first documentary film. Produced in 2006, this is the product of a year’s worth of historical research done for Mr. Scott Wilson’s AP American History Class where the assignment was to learn about an alum from our high school who had fought in WWII. The man I was assigned, Robert Nourse, served in the Pacific for the Army Corp of Engineers and sadly met a tragic end. Narrated by Bernard Monbo. *Director’s note: This was a time before ubiquitous online access to archival video and websites and available technology like youtube were far from what they are today. Acquiring footage as a high school student on a home computer with zero budget was a significant challenge; please excuse the watermarks.