Fiction & Experimental

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Oreo Commercial Parody

A recent campaign for Oreo brand cookies that was comprehensively rejected by ad executives. starring: Trevor RICHARDS


How To Respond To Wrong Number Texts

A spec video I made as part of the BuzzFeed application process, based on the post "22 Perfect Responses to Wrong Number Texts,”

starring: Mark BENNETT and Sophie WILSON


In Evening Air

My visual interpretation of the brief yet brilliantly haunting Future Islands song "In Evening Air."


The Fall

A short experimental film that captures the colors and textures of urban and autumn decay in eastern Nebraska. Shot with cinematographer extraordinaire Chevy Anderson in 2011.


Kid Eight & A Half

Mash up of Radiohead's "Motion Picture Soundtrack" from Kid A and the ending of Federico Fellini's masterpiece 8 1/2.


Nashunull Jeeoh Graffik Preezentz: Peenk Floide Eckhoes Peart Won

I’ve always loved the music of PF’s Live at Pompeii, but didn’t think highly of the visuals. I was bored during a Nebraska winter and decided to make my own visual interpretation of Pink Floyd's "Echoes Part 1,” a track I consider to be one of the best live recordings in existence. I "borrowed" footage from various National Geographic specials and the film “For All Mankind” and mashed it together, rather crudely it must be said after 8 years of reflection. The central theme of the piece is of man's quest to conquer nature and ascend to the heavens.